Oh man, so exhausted!! Everything was well set, till i found out that my IDIOT LITTLE BROTHER LOST MY WALLET AND PASSPORT ALONG. Till then, i waited till he came home. But he didn't i scream and yell till my brother woke up. Thankfully he didn't shouted at me because of that. Moving on it's my birthday! Yay me.
After that more horrible news! A message from phoebe about class gathering, then she told me that HALF OF THE CLASS NOT COMING. Which made me officially pissed off. Most of them cared for themselves. Whatever, i'm off to SK and Wei Siang. Boys would be boys, they took out their PSP which i regret not bring-ing along. So music is my only best friend. Sleep me away music.
When we got there, EEW wet and dirty! NO! Shoes, everything! Photography with maryam. The food was awesome. I got bashed like 5 times or more! Frog attack by the guys. Hate it.
Shout out to Royzat: Roy why! Man why! Get well soon, don't walk alot i think. I really hope that you were there :[
Friday, November 20, 2009,8:30 PM |
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Call by £aZeLaH, Faz, Fadzila. my nickname would be Fitz/Hestings/Zoid/Allen/Godzilla (nicknamed by Royzat,Sonjula and the entire class?)/.
a year older on 20th Nov. I am a photographer/skater/mogul and yes a egoistic student. I love to entertain or meet people who are funny&crappy&fun.
I love both Korean and English R&B/Pop/Indie music.The colors i adore are RED&NAVY BLUE and so on. Photography, fashion and extreme sports is what i do. I am afraid of creepy crawlies,
heights. My addiction are chocolates and junky food.