Yup, I have officially watch TRANSFORMER TWO – REVENAGE OF THE FALLEN. No words can describe the block-buster movie. Of course, I watched it with my dad and little brother. Okay. AMK Hub was damn packed; queues are as long as a giraffe’s neck. Seriously go watch Transformer Two, Oh yeah; boys let me tell you a little scoop. Megan Foxx is hotter than the Sun baby. The movie has a little comedy. If the DVDs’ are out, I am so gonna purchase a copy and watch again and again! WOO. I really recommend you people to go watch that awesome movie. It is a DOUBLE thumbs up movie.
To the directors, producer and dearest cast Hello,
Fazelah J here from a small island called Singapore. I would like to say the movie was really awesome. I absolutely love both of the movies that have been produce. The cast were crazy but awesome. I would really want to meet everyone who is involved in the making of the movie. My ratings would be FIVE STARS. Please please! Produce another movie like this! I would totally watch it. Promise.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009,11:27 PM |
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Call by £aZeLaH, Faz, Fadzila. my nickname would be Fitz/Hestings/Zoid/Allen/Godzilla (nicknamed by Royzat,Sonjula and the entire class?)/.
a year older on 20th Nov. I am a photographer/skater/mogul and yes a egoistic student. I love to entertain or meet people who are funny&crappy&fun.
I love both Korean and English R&B/Pop/Indie music.The colors i adore are RED&NAVY BLUE and so on. Photography, fashion and extreme sports is what i do. I am afraid of creepy crawlies,
heights. My addiction are chocolates and junky food.