It's examination talk baby, alright the tests are all OVER well that's another thing that i don't have to worry about it anymore. So, now is all about celebrating? I don't think so, cause i pretty much suck it in two subjects. Oh well I guess let the results do all the talking ya? Almost forgot about this,
HEY SAFFY, HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!! You're dead once I get my hands on You.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010,11:53 AM |
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kickin some badass balls.
AWESOME is the word, being back in soccer was just an experience that i couldn't explain. It was just speechless. I have forgotten how FUN it was. Being able to kick balls, bodypushing people. It was just AWESOME.
I did some training on my shooting though it still need more work on it. Govind helped me along, it was fun hanging out with them. My favorite part during the practice is KICKING KUMAR'S BUTT! and having Shafina, Kumar, Thinesh, Govind and Arshwyn there. We practice for 3 hours and so i think, under the hot sun. I did saw Zul for a couple of times.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010,11:04 AM |
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skin updated
Let's start with a WOO HOO to a new skin personalize by the AWESOME ME! haha. Look at the changes, [click the picture] It was meant to look like this, if your computer or laptop has a problem of formatting the skin this way THAT picture is a evidence. Oh yeah, it screams A W E S O M E SKIN.
Monday, February 22, 2010,9:40 PM |
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before & after
After: Wee hoo, skin changed though the background is the same. Oh well it took me about an hour to figure out the codes. Yeah yeah, i got a rap for ya'll!
Yo yo yo, i'm Johnny Depp and here i am in the dinosaur trap. -Fazeeelaahhh.
Sunday, February 21, 2010,9:49 AM |
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record breakin
Alright people! I have just finished my record breaking of studying EBS six hours straight. Red bull is always there for me. I think i am prepared with EBS common test paper. Oh god, till have to study MATH! Mr See, please don't give us superb hard question alright? OH PLEASE!
omg, am i fallin' in love again? Oh i guess i am. Oh yeah.. I AM IN LOVE WITH TWO GUYS, BEN & JERRY! The taste of the ice cream just melts in your mouth just like a freshly made chocolate. Well, Cassie was smokin' hawt though with that PUNK ROCK GLAMOROUS HAIR!
Alright man, Runescape i gotta tell you that i'm back to the Fantasy World/Sci-Fi World. Guess what, i brought along some of my pals to rule the WORLD! and that would be GOVIND,IQMAL,FELICIA and of course KIAN CHUN! Yes, because of them i started playing Runescape again. Oh yeah, it's gonna be fun when i have them around to play with. It' been 3 years since i last logged in. Opps, i have forgotten my password. Oh well i recovered it! Yay, alright now i'm gonna get some shut eyes and be back at 7PM! Just gonna say that GOVIND YOU'RE GOING DOWN!
Friday, February 19, 2010,4:03 PM |
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i don't give a shit.
CPA CPA CPA CPA always have to spoil my mood of the day, pretty much THE LAMEST subject of the year. God there's this teacher who i named him AMAZON NOSE. Which is a fact. GOODNESS SHAVE YOUR NOISE HAIRS. EBS was awesome because i get to play around and sabotage Sonjula. He's fun and psycho at times.
I think this is crazy but i guess maybe i won't be purchasing the class Tee since we are not even UNITED. Every year the same old same old except sec one, for once can't we just be INDEPENDENT WITH OUR DECISION?Currently our class is well, inactive,hyper,in-united,drop dead and just not that fun. So what's the point of purchasing one TEE since we are going to design another one NEXT YEAR. It's like a waste of money, come on man.
Thursday, February 18, 2010,1:58 AM |
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he melts me like an ice
Another guy who caught my eye.
It was a another day with Maryam, while we suppose to meet up with Baby Shy Boy. But he can't make it. Sob, sob, sob. We did photo shoot and i think i'm pretty good in it. Off to rounding at Far East. Then we bum to the guy who simply just melts my heart. Since we didn't get to meet up with Baby Shy Boy, at least we bum to a HOT MELTING GUY. Don't wanna brag and brag about him all night long. Anyway that day was A W E S O M E. Thanks hottie, maryam and my camera phone.
Sunday, February 14, 2010,11:47 AM |
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FOUR DAYS OF BREAK IS LIKE HELL.Teachers kept giving us tons of homework plus there's even bloody common test coming up. HELL SHIT YO! Okay, currently i'm like stressing my ass on MALAY then thinking about MATH after that BLOODY BORING SCIENCE.
Oh yeah, some of my mates are like going vacations on this four days of break. I'm like WHAT THE FREAKS? It seem that they have like tons of time to enjoy. Why am i the only one who feels this way?
We gotta FIGHT FIGHT FOR THIS LOVE, wow! It kept on getting better. I'll always groove to the beat, trying to follow the steps. But seriously i can't! But WHO CARES! This song is AWESOME. Let me spell it for you A W E S O M E! I'll be back with more hits.
Schooling has been complicated, but it's alright cause i got my friends to guild me through. Teachers has been alright except for CPA teachers because the way they teaching us is like BULLSHIT.
Love love love the Facebook, it's like my tweeter. Speaking of tweeter i haven't been using it for ages. Love my dog, Iqmal always there to disturb. Currently missing all my animation instructors and camp PMs plus the bus stop guy. Let's go back to the times we had tons of fun. No stress just fun.
Call by £aZeLaH, Faz, Fadzila. my nickname would be Fitz/Hestings/Zoid/Allen/Godzilla (nicknamed by Royzat,Sonjula and the entire class?)/.
a year older on 20th Nov. I am a photographer/skater/mogul and yes a egoistic student. I love to entertain or meet people who are funny&crappy&fun.
I love both Korean and English R&B/Pop/Indie music.The colors i adore are RED&NAVY BLUE and so on. Photography, fashion and extreme sports is what i do. I am afraid of creepy crawlies,
heights. My addiction are chocolates and junky food.