woo! CPA Exam paper was so easy donkey! hmm.. Over confident much. So it is finally the end of freaking MYE. The week was actually the week i was HOPING TO END. I decided to call down my peeps down to play LAN Shop. Asking about the game? Obviously LIFE OR DEAD. Mission KILLING FREAKING ZOMBIES.
Can this day get any worst? ermm. YEAH. It's a FREAKSHOW because my freakING miss A.S.S teacher wants her PROJECT by MONDAY. Which is our OFF Day because it's marking day. Haiish! Hate it. I haven't even start reading the book 'HATERS' that i borrowed. OMG. See how busy i am?
VC planning is crazy. I have to do everything. Most of the planning done but there's more to be planned. Dammit. Vanishing off to planning everything.
Friday, May 15, 2009,8:01 PM |
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Call by £aZeLaH, Faz, Fadzila. my nickname would be Fitz/Hestings/Zoid/Allen/Godzilla (nicknamed by Royzat,Sonjula and the entire class?)/.
a year older on 20th Nov. I am a photographer/skater/mogul and yes a egoistic student. I love to entertain or meet people who are funny&crappy&fun.
I love both Korean and English R&B/Pop/Indie music.The colors i adore are RED&NAVY BLUE and so on. Photography, fashion and extreme sports is what i do. I am afraid of creepy crawlies,
heights. My addiction are chocolates and junky food.