Today training was fun and painful one! I got hit by the ball at the face again. Guess how many times I was hit already. I was hit 2 times at the face plus one more which make thats 3hits.It was painful but only for awhile. Coz Im used to the pain. Anyway today I played as the goalkeeper. My job is just catching and kicking the ball.It may sound easy but its NOT! I have to keep my eye on the ball always. But the thing is Im not playing the goalkeeper position in the real match.I always didnt think that i was the best player but most of the time my friends said that i am.
Thursday, June 5, 2008,7:58 AM |
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Call by £aZeLaH, Faz, Fadzila. my nickname would be Fitz/Hestings/Zoid/Allen/Godzilla (nicknamed by Royzat,Sonjula and the entire class?)/.
a year older on 20th Nov. I am a photographer/skater/mogul and yes a egoistic student. I love to entertain or meet people who are funny&crappy&fun.
I love both Korean and English R&B/Pop/Indie music.The colors i adore are RED&NAVY BLUE and so on. Photography, fashion and extreme sports is what i do. I am afraid of creepy crawlies,
heights. My addiction are chocolates and junky food.